3 Examples of Neuromarketing

marketing strategies on a board

Neuromarketing relates to the use of psychology to determine what makes a product or message effective when promoting a service or a brand. The term was first introduced in 2002 when researchers first began examining the neural activity of consumers while examining products or viewing advertisements.

Neuromarketing’s ability to provide powerful insights into consumer behaviour and decision-making patterns is being increasingly recognised. Nearly all modern marketing techniques employ the use of neuromarketing in one form or another. This short article provides some powerful examples of brands that used neuromarketing to completely transform the marketing industry.


Emotional connection is a more influential factor in attracting leads as compared to customer satisfaction. Putting these findings to good use, Airbnb has devised a strategy to market its services by appealing to a consumer's emotions. As it is a hospitality business in direct competition with hotels, the brand cleverly used emotional digital marketing strategies to market its services. 

Sharing a story of a young woman, Carol Williams, the advertisement explored how she was able to regain her financial standing through Airbnb after the death of her husband. Titled “Meet Carol” to make the video more personal, it resulted in almost 300K views on YouTube.

Two happy friends laughing


Many businesses and brands pull out all stops to win attention and increase consumer engagement, and ultimately develop brand loyalty. Brands like Apple, on the other hand, have been able to create a unique brand presence through the power of simplicity.

Apple remains at the forefront of the industry wave because it uses the neuromarketing principles of simplicity to appeal to its consumers. When they release their products, they create marketing campaigns that engage numerous senses and evoke curiosity. Through this approach, Apple is able to establish a distinct brand presence, promoting its image and reputation.


Starbucks has built up its image by promoting a brand that gives back. It used the psychology of reciprocity to its advantage and started a campaign to attract more leads. Using the hashtag "#Tweetacoffee" on Twitter, Starbucks encouraged Twitter users to share this hashtag with their friends to gift them a free coffee.

Generating around £140k ($180k) in sales over a short period (32% of sales were achieved on the first day), Starbucks also collected contact information on many gifters and recipients. This campaign completely transformed the marketing industry and set up a great precedent for other brands to follow.

In Summary

These three examples across different markets demonstrate the flexibility of neuromarketing in helping brands to better understand their target audience's buying behaviours on a cognitive and emotional level. Obtaining an insight into customers’ motivations, preferences, and decisions can provide valuable information to improve creative advertising and marketing initiatives.  

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