Why Every Business Should Invest in Neuromarketing Read More »
All human consciousness, emotions, thoughts, and actions derive from neural activity in the brain. Marketers use this information to influence consumers into making decisions. Through the use of psychology and brain activity, marketers come up with different techniques to tailor their brand campaigns and advertisements to appeal to consumers -...
What Are the Benefits of AI?
Experiences don’t provide a purpose for consumers if they can’t create strong memories, or stir up some uncomfortable emotions from deep within us. Brands that have impactful commercials use the technique of neuromarketing to really grab audience attention.
The Neuromarketing of Emotional Memories and Audience Attention to Commercials Read More »
If we had just one word to describe the kind of ads that lead to customer loyalty and repeat purchases, it would be ‘emotional’.
Ah, the age-old question that’s plagued every eCommerce business in the market: how do we increase conversions? Do we optimise images, improve product copy and simplify checkout?
Why Neuromarketing is Critical to E-Commerce Conversions Read More »